Having trouble with an actual invitation? Click
DaVite is being updated as MyVite.com
for more info, contact me.
Because of this, DaVite is no longer under development and is no longer
supported, but I hope you find it useful!
What is it?
DaVite is a web invitation system, much like
evite! or
Yahoo! invites.
4/3/2002: Yahoo Invites closes it's doors
You can create an web invitation that is mailed to all of your guests
who can then respond to the invitation and read all the details.
Try it!
I've got a sample invite
that you can play with as a guest.
If you click on "Create Invite" it will send *me* a new invite. If
you want to make one yourself, go to the
DaVite main page.
- Create and edit invitations online
- Uses themes so it is completely customizable through the web
- Invite more people
- Generate invitation and reminder email
- Handle replies and comments
- Keep track of names and email privacy preferences
- Host can choose remove guests, mail guests, choose to receive email
notices for guest changes, allow/disallow guests to invite others
Sample Invite - see "Try it!" to the left
Here's problems with DaVite that I'd like to fix/implement.
- Need to have a site "owner" (and change the footer!)
- No handling of incoming email (such as mail bounces)
- No automatic cleaning of the DaVite directory (though it does remove
old entries if you go to the default page)
- Too many people added to an invite with a slow connection can be
a problem if the sendmail takes longer than the page timeout.
(not sure how to fix - if I fork off the mailing then I don't get
to see the success/failure)
This software is essentially free, but please read my
payment spiel
Please read the
full license
- Download the tar.gz.
- gunzip and untar the file, then put the CGI and DaVite/ directory in
a CGI accessible place.
- Edit the paths at the top of DaVite.cgi (in the SETTINGS section)
- Install DaVite.cgi and the DaVite/ directory somewhere
web-accessible. If the permissions have changed, do (under unix):
chmod -R ugo+r DaVite.cgi DaVite/
find DaVite/ -perm -u+x -print | xargs /bin/chmod go+x
- Install DaVite_Data/ OUTSIDE of your web directories, and make
sure the contents are writable by the web user. Either do (under unix):
chmod -R ugo+rw DaVite_Data/
chmod ugo+x DaVite_Data/ DaVite_Data/Events/
Or, even better (and safer):
chown -R <webuser>:<webuser> DaVite_Data
(where <webuser> is the login that your web server uses)
- Bring up the CGI in the web browser and you're ready to create an invite!
If you can't get the CGI to run at all, it's probably a web server
configuration problem, and you're going to have to look somewhere else
for info.
If you can get the CGI to partially run (i.e., you see a DaVite error
instead of a web server error), then you probably need to fix your path
settings at the top of DaVite.cgi
I also highly recommend downloading
forge_pipe and installing
it as setuid so that you can easily forge the outgoing invitation email from
the invitation owner.
DaVite now works under Windows (at least WinNT), using Sendmail.pm.
You can get Sendmail.pm easily via:
- CPAN: perl -MCPAN -e "install Mail::Sendmail"
- ActivePerl ppm: ppm install --location=http://alma.ch/perl/ppm Mail-Sendmail
- Manually: copy Sendmail.pm to Mail/ in your perl lib directory
Play with it - it's mostly self-explanatory.
- Perl, which kicks ass
Revision History:
Not a chance.
If you like..
You bet.
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